� Who Paid for the Dodgy Dossier? FusionGPS Officials Plead the Fifth Amendment |
General Kelly Bitchslaps Democrat Congresswoman Who Misrepresented What Trump Said to Family of Slain Serviceman �
October 19, 2017
Jake Tapper, Hero of Tuck-It-Back "Conservative" Twitter Clique, Has Something Important to Say
I got a couple of tweets echoing #JakeSoWoke's brave words:
One time I had sex with the cleaning woman at work and they fired me even though they never told me beforehand that was wrong. It was like Selma All Over Again.
George "T-Bone" Costanza
October 19, 2017 3:17pm
I was just expressing my Free Speech rights running a prostitution ring out of my office at the city morgue, and my fascist jagoff boss fired me. It was like being lynched. #StrangeFruit
Billy "Blaze" Blaszjowski
October 19, 2017
Despite #JakeSoWoke's continuing to make it more obvious he is as SJW prog as they come, a few Twitter nitwits will continue lining up to fellate him because they are insecure, needy headcases who think that someone who flatters "influencers" on Twitter is really their fwiend.