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Mid-Morning Open Thread »
October 17, 2017
The Morning Report 10/17/17
Good morning kids. Well, we're loaded for bear so let's dive right in. First up, in the Mandalay Bay massacre, the security guard who was shot some time before the psycho opened up on the crowd has suddenly disappeared from an urgent care facility shortly before he was going to go before the TV cameras and break his silence. In related news, the bi-sexual GOP and partisan Dems have a bump stock ban bill ready that will, get this, ban ALL semi-automatic rifles. And, tangentially, the great Dana Loesch has been forced to move because some peace loving, tolerant liberals have hurled death threats against her for supporting the NRA. One even threatened to "rape her to death." Pro Tip to the MFM: War on Women right there. Oh wait, Loesch is "untermenshcen."
On the political front, PDT and McYertle had a confab and then a joint presser. Although the latter seemed to be on board for moving ahead with the agenda, he took a shot at Steve Bannon and announced support for incumbent RINOs that Bannon has targeted for primary challenges. Frankly, I think the jowl-encrusted Estabishmentarian leader is scared out of his shell. The more he and others protest that what Bannon is doing is disastrous, the more it convinces me that it's the 100% right thing to do. In fact, if anyone from the Bannon camp is reading this, yours truly is pale, restive and ready to join the team.
Meanwhile, the good Roger Simon has a piece about the four horse's asses of the apocalypse who are sabotaging PDT. One of them he names is Rand Paul, but he does separate him out with a caveat and I do agree with the overall tone of the piece. One of them is of course the perpetually-dying John "Hyman Roth" McCain who clings to life not because he fears his impending reservation in the Infernal Reaches, but to screw the American people until the last grain of sand in the hourglass tumbles down. Amazing how hate can sometimes be even more powerful than love, or even death. He won some sort of award and used the occasion to blast the President's foreign policy; this from the man who helped Obama/Clinton engineer the napalming of the middle east and then the secret arms deal to jihadists in Syria that needlessly wasted the lives of Chris Stevens and three other Americans at Benghazi.
We also have some interesting notes on the judicial front. There's a report that PDT thinks he might have upwards of three SCOTUS picks in his first term, which would set a record. And as Rush said yesterday:
His judicial nominees.... In fact, there's a story here in the Stack I have here that the judicial nominee aspect of what Trump is doing - which is happening under the radar. This is one of the reasons why the confirmation process of these people is so slow is because the Democrats understand that even if Trump serves two terms, the judges that are going to be in place - even after his first term - are going to be sufficient to thwart many attempts to undermine the Trump agenda that the left would normally succeed at in the courts with their judges.
And this is right-on-the-money true. Judicial nominees... Not just the Supreme Court, but all the federal district courts and the appellate court nominees. This is the way the left has always had election insurance. Okay, so they lose a presidential election, or they lose control of the Senate. But they've got their judges that will thwart every attempt by the newly empowered Republicans to implement theirs. We've seen it with Trump and his travel ban, for example. But these judicial nominations that he's making are adding up, and they're going to become even greater in number to the point that he will himself have Trump agenda insurance on the courts long after he's gone.
Well, here's hoping. But one thing that will rain on Rush's and our collective parade is a story that a Chicago judge has declared America a "sanctuary nation." Shockingly, the miscreant in a black robe was a Reagan appointee, which only goes to show. Still, you can tell how good or bad an appointee will be by the viciousness of the opposition from the left. They automatically oppose everyone, so veracity of the attack is the only gauge.
From hither and yon, a good essay from the great Jeffrey Lord that dovetails nicely with my observations about how the Weinstein scandal is an indicator that we are at at a societal inflection point, the FBI has confirmed Comey is a duplicitous lackey scumbag, the Mueller collusion probe has got less than nothing (germane to the investigation, anyway) and finally I leave you with the latest mini-stroke from Nutsy Palsi where she essentially admits that she's older than dirt.
Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.