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Sunday Morning Book Thread 10-08-2017 »
October 08, 2017
EMT 10/08/17
I'm pimping my brother's first book again, which is coming to you at no cost to you, this time with a new and improved cover.
If you like and buy his other stuff, please do leave a review. Apparently self-publishing on Amazon largely lives or dies based on reviews.
His new cover art raises an interesting question: How much of an influence does cover art have on you?
DIY update:
All materials have been purchased, with only minor damage to the pickup truck used.
Sunroom is now completely empty, and ready for me to pull up the existing flooring.
If you don't hear from me by next Saturday, I think you would be entirely within reason to assume the worst, which will either mean A: I have managed to commit a non-ritual hara-kiri with with a nail gun and/or prybar; or B: I haven't finished the project, so the wife has finished me.
posted by krakatoa at
06:00 AM
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