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October 09, 2017
The Morning Rant

"So over the weekend I heard that some big-ass powerful Hollywood guy named Harvey Weinstein was suddenly fired from his job, removed from any position of power or influence, forced to confess to heinous and unspeakable crimes and now everybody is running away from him like they don't even know him. He'll never work in Hollywood again. What, did they find out he was a conservative?"
What a Surprise:
The Stupid, It Burns!
Yesterday, Matthew 'Brainiac' Dowd crapped out this tweet:
He quickly deleted it when he got dogpiled by counterexamples in the comments. Then he issued a 'clarification'. This tweet is still up and the comments are epic:
It's one thing to shoot yourself in the foot. But it's another to blow both feet clean off. I am starting to regret my decision to make Sally Kohn the gold standard of internet stupidity.
I always get a kick out of these "More Americans have been killed by 'X' than by Islamic terrorism in the last 'Y' years" statements that progressives like to fling at us like they're supposed to prove something. Because 'Y' is always a number specially chosen so that it is almost, but not quite, big enough to include the year 2001.
AOL: the End of An Error Era?
Gee, I Wonder Who This Guy Would Think Is Left-Wing?
Scientific Proof That Slow And Steady Wins the Race:

posted by OregonMuse at
11:34 AM
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