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October 04, 2017
The Morning Report 10/4/17
Good morning kids. Sure as night follows day, the Left is now calling for gun control, some for total confiscation. Meanwhile, the bearded lump of flesh known as Jimmy Kimmel, who now fancies himself as the Oracle of Delphi is blaming the NRA for what happened in Las Vegas. Meh, he's just jumping on the bandwagon. I guess the slow motion slaughter of black America is just not that exciting, eh Jimmy? The dirty little secret is that black America is expendable. Leftist cannon fodder. Has been for over 50 years.
Meanwhile, two fascinating pieces, one at American Thinker and the other by Rush point the finger of blame squarely where it belongs: the loss of freedom in an ever more bureaucratic-controlled society and the open calls for violence against anything and anyone not spouting the Leftist mantra.
The girlfriend of the shooter is back in the US and will be questioned by the Feds and the Vegas Sheriff is now openly speculating that the shooter may have been "radicalized." That can only be one of two things.
In other news (I'm going fast because my computer could die any second after doing the Photoshop) the House has passed some common sense abortion legislation, there may be a civil war brewing in Spain and Puerto Rico in the main is grateful to PDT and the federal government for the hurricane response; the attempt to turn Maria into Trump's Katrina is failing.
Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.