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September 23, 2017
Destroying Cherished Knowledge [KT]
Serving your mid-day open thread needs
With all the things kids will not be allowed to learn in school, how will they collectively earn enough money to pay for Obamacare II?
James Jupp, a scholar of critical white studies, articulated his commitment to the destruction of "Whitestream cherished knowledge" in an article published Tuesday for the "White Scholars Working Against Whiteness" issue of the journal Whiteness and Education.
Question: Was Herbert Marcuse white enough to be considered "white"? He served in the German army. Critical Theory seems to be cherished in whitestream academia now. Must Critical Theory be destroyed? Would that include Critical White Studies?
Some of the links in the piece are also disturbing. For example, your tax dollars at work, teaching young people that diversity of thought is white supremacist bullshit.
You can already see the effects of this kind of pedagogy. Here's a prime example, The Nazi Mass Hysteria of 2017.
This week, over 5,000 Leftists, liberal writers and other verified accounts, and apparently Chelsea Clinton, became absolutely convinced that I, a gay Jew, am a Nazi.
It all began with CUNY professor Angus Johnston going on a rant about why it is not only ok, but morally just, to physically assault various groups of people engaging in what he considers 'hate.' . . . .
I objected to the notion that being a minority made me helpless and weak in his eyes to the point that others would need to rescue me from bigoted people saying mean things through physical force. I also highly objected to the notion that assault is considered a solution to speech you do not like.
That's when the Wrath of the Left fell upon him. It's not just Berkeley and Evergreen, friends.
posted by Open Blogger at
11:16 AM
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