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September 09, 2017
Saturday Gardening Thread: [KT]
Hello, Gardeners. I expect conditions are tough out there for some in hurricane, flood and fire zones. If you have any timely tips, please leave them in the comments. But maybe we could use some good news, too. The Horde has obliged.
Geoffb5 proves that you can grow tomatoes in containers:
From July 29th, tomato plants just starting to get ripe tomatoes. 8 of the 12 shown along with basil, sage, and parsley.
Below, some of the tomatoes he has harvested. Quite a variety:
Gardens of The Horde
Thank goodness for The Horde this week, because my thinker has been occupied with other stuff this week. Love the container garden above. And the raised garden below. Both fit attractively into their yards:
Hi there, OB:
Lawrence Larson is my nic, but I don't post too often. Love the AoS Saturday Gardening Thread. Between you and MH's Pet Thread, it's a wonder that I get anything done on Saturdays at all (Okay, okay--I really don't anyway).
As everybody knows, CA had a nasty drought for several years and water use restrictions were pretty onerous. In our back yard we had your basic lawn yard, some accent plants, but had also done a garden for many years. Finally, we got discouraged by our Gobi Desert yard and let it all go to heck.
Last summer, we ripped out the entire back yard (we saved only one crape myrtle) and planted a drought tolerant landscape. We saved some room in the back for a garden that we planted this spring: two tomato plants, two crooked neck squash, two zucchini (one yellow, one green) was all we did. See the first pic of the small garden taken last spring.
For the last month we've been getting slammed. The second pic is the last four days of harvest out of our small garden. We've preserved a bunch but, finally, the only thing that allows us to keep up with the output is taking bags of stuff to work and having friends and family over to share. Win-win.
Thanks for doing the Gardening Thread. I promise not to use you as an excuse for my Saturday lethargy any more ;-D

That's some harvest from a first-year garden bed. Thanks for the information and photos, Lawrence. Maybe you have some tips on building and filling your raised bed with a good growing medium. I note that it is not square.
Todd is interested in knowing more about an invasive tree in the Denver area. It is apparently either a Sumac or Tree of Heaven, sometimes called Chinese Sumac. He has a tall one in his yard, and a baby.

I expect that one key to identifying Tree of Heaven would be its seed pods. There are some invasive true sumacs, though. Even natives.
Any advice for Todd?
If you would like to send information and/or photos for the Saturday Gardening Thread, the address is:
at g mail dot com
Include your nic unless you want to be a lurker.
Anybody have an eggplant photo?

posted by Open Blogger at
12:31 PM
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