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August 31, 2017
The Morning Report 8/31/17
Good morning kids. The last day of August already. At any rate our top story is now the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey and the rebuilding of lives and property. First up are reports of explosions heard at a chemical plant and the fears of a massive catastrophe. With rising waters comes exposure to raw sewage and chemicals but this plus the threat of levees and dams breaking is potentially staggering. Prayers to all down there.
On the domestic front, the President laid out his tax plan and while naturally cutting taxes and the tax rate are a boon to businesses and individuals, the plan does nothing to address the $200 trillion-plus dollar gorilla in the room: deficits and the national debt. Unfortunately, too many people including the administration are still swallowing the bullshit of "paying for tax cuts" and that they have to be "revenue neutral." My money and what I earn does not first belong to the government and then they get to decide what I keep. It's great that PDT has exploded a lot of myths in speaking plainly and truthfully and I would have hoped that this toxic bromide would have been one of them. As the great Daniel Horowitz tells us in the fourth link, "It's impossible to simultaneously drain the Swamp but then ask the Swamp for help on how to drain it. This is essentially the lesson lost on President Trump as it relates to taxes." In any case, it's all probably moot since it will no doubt be watered down to nothing by the time it gets through the committees, that is if the GOP wing of the Deep State doesn't block this legislation as it has done with everything else since January 20th.
And that brings us to what Rush Limbaugh has to say on the subject, and it dovetails nicely with the conversation we've been having here at the HQ vis a vis Nunzio Pelosi and her Antifa "condemnation." If the GOP continues to blockade and stifle the President's legislative agenda, there will be hell to pay come 2018. If we lose the House, from a legislative standpoint, we would be no worse off than we are now. And the speculation is maybe President Trump might tell the GOP to FOAD and leave it to run as an independent or even spur the formation of some sort of new party. The RINO-DIABLOs would join the Democrats outright and anyone left would move with Trump, essentially spelling the end of the Republican Party.
Doom for us, eh? Not so fast; circling back to Pelosi, her statement yesterday condemning (for what it's worth) "Antifa" will no doubt piss off the Democrat base. It was effectively an apology to the President and acknowledgement of his position. Couple this with the fact that Bernie Sanders and his senior advisors have been not so secretly pushing to take that same psycho base of miscreants and malcontents, still angered over the theft of the nomination by the DNC and Clintons, and leave them as the nucleus of their own political party.
Perhaps by 2020 if not sooner, there might be four political parties vying for the presidency, assuming the GOP is not completely dead by then as a result of their open revolt. Then again Kamala Harris' endorsement of Bernie's "Medicare For All" national health disaster could be a preview of a 2020 presidential ticket. The question is not who will be on top, but for which party. Interesting times indeed.
From hither and thither, a fascinating piece at the Spectator about a man I never knew about and someone whom we should all get to know, the late black conservative George Schuyler. Lastly, we all know about the vile cartoon from Politico but I just saw the one from Charlie Hebdo and it's truly sick. I'm aware that what happened to them was horrific, and that they insult everyone equally. But that just means that they're completely ignorant about right and wrong and merely puerile and infantile and only occasionally get it right. You'd think they would've learned a lesson, but no. Sheesh.
Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.