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August 09, 2017
Ed Klein Claim: A Plea Bargain Is Being Prepared for Hillary Clinton
I don't link Ed Klein because so many of his exclusives remain "exclusive" -- that is, no one ever hears of them again -- but I figure that people are going to talk about this, so I'll post it, with the caveat that I don't believe any of this.
Supposedly, the deal would be that Hillary would admit she committed a crime, but the government would then agree to not prosecute her for that crime, or for anything to do with Clinton Foundation donations.
I expect this will be another Ed Klein One Day Wonder. I do not expect to hear of it again.
More Interesting: A claim you've probably read before, that Hillary's emails aren't "missing" -- the Russians hacked them, and the US got them by intercepting Russian traffic.
And thus any serious probe of her emails will result in them turning up.