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August 09, 2017
Fox News: Intel Community Knew About North Korea's Miniaturized Nukes Back in 2013, But Obama -- Get This -- Got Media to Downplay the Story
Obama was never about managing foreign policy crises -- he was about managing the media coverage of foreign policy crises. His theory was always that if the public doesn't know about a threat, then, from a political point of view, he doesn't have any problem.
More evidence of that.
Tuesday's bombshell Washington Post story that the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) has determined North Korea is capable of constructing miniaturized nuclear weapons that could be used as warheads for missiles – possibly ICBMs -- left out a crucial fact: DIA actually concluded this in 2013. The Post also failed to mention that the Obama administration tried to downplay and discredit this report at the time....
The Director of National Intelligence and Obama officials subsequently tried to dismiss Lamborn's disclosure by claiming the DIA assessment was an outlier that did not reflect the views of the rest of the U.S. Intelligence Community.
It was clear what Obama officials were doing in 2013. The DIA report represented inconvenient facts that threatened President Obama’s North Korea "strategic patience" policy -- a policy to do nothing about North Korea and kick this problem down the road to the next president. Obama officials tried to downplay the DIA assessment to prevent it from being used to force the president to employ a more assertive North Korea policy.
Son of a bitch.
I'm knocking off early tonight. I have some kind of bug or something. Maybe just lack of sleep. But I'm exhausted.