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Monday Night Overnight Open Thread (8/7/17) No Walrus To Be Found Edition »
August 07, 2017
Very Important Stuff I Didn't Get To Until Just Now
Shock: Open Borders Marco Rubio endorses open borders-- specifically, he rejects any cap on immigration stating that the only cap should be according to "demand," that is, according to how many cheaper foreign replacement workers businesses would like to hire. Which is pretty much all possible immigrants.
"I don't want to limit legal immigration. I certainly want to change the way we conduct it," Rubio said. "...Where I probably have a big difference of opinion with this bill is that it sets an arbitrary cap on the number of people that are able to come through with a green card. I don't think that should be an arbitrary cap. That number should be driven by demand."
Open Borders Marco attempts to double-talk by saying he supports a "merit-based" system, but as DrewM. asks -- what is the point of a merit-based system in which there is no upward limit on the number of immigrants? When anyone who wants to come is permitted to, what is the point of merit-based points?
It's like a classroom in which everyone's performance is rated on a 1-100 scale but then everyone receives the same mark: Admitted.
This is Open Borders Marco once again being a disingenuous little fuck, pretending to not be Open Borders Marco while actually being Open Borders Marco.
An idiot sent photos a vagina to random men to show them how sexual harassment felt. This idiot was surprised to discover that most men did not feel harassed at all by the unsolicited genital pics, but were, amazingly enough, rather eager to meet.
A CNN "analyst" (that sounds half-right to me) has reported Dana Loesch to Twitter for hate speech for her NRA ads.
Sounds like another guy who sees a fisting hiding in every shadow.
Chelsea Clinton endorses company that pushes rating movies according to how well they push progressive sexual identity politics.
A University of George professor has begun a "stress reduction program" of allowing students to choose their own grade for the course.
A New Republic "writer" decides it's just not fair to ask environmental zealots to live by the carbon-footprint-reduction dogmas they shriek at others. (Safe link to Instapundit's quote.)
By the way, Al Gore is doing his part to reduce the carbon footprint of exhibiting his Inconvenient Sequel movie: By having made it so bad, and having it bomb at the box office like a nuclear bomb made of irradiated dogshit, less energy will be required to exhibit it.
Rhino chasing cars. Pretty zen. I don't know if rhinos play at headbutting like goats do, but I'm imagining this rhino is just looking for horn-butt play, mistaking the cars for other rhinos.