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August 07, 2017
Google: We *love* free speech. Mostly.
And speaking of cowards and lazy fools, Google's "official" response to that anonymous internal memo criticizing Google's PC-driven totalitarian monoculture is a real hoot:
Google's recently hired vice president of diversity, integrity and governance, Danielle Brown, sent a memo in response to the furor, saying the engineer's essay "advanced incorrect assumptions about gender."
And what some of those "incorrect assumptions about gender"? She doesn't say. I thought maybe the Reuters piece might have just left it out for purposes of brevity, but I tracked down the text of Brown's actual memo, and nope, she never says. Apparently, she expects her audience to know what they are without her having to mention them.
But wait, it gets better:
"Part of building an open, inclusive environment means fostering a culture in which those with alternative views, including different political views, feel safe sharing their opinions," Brown wrote.
Wait for it.
And there it is! The big BUT! There's always a BUT clause in declarations of free speech by SJWs who aren't really free speech advocates but who want to pass themselves off as free speech advocates.
Ms. Brown elucidates:
"But that discourse needs to work alongside the principles of equal employment found in our Code of Conduct, policies, and anti-discrimination laws," she added.
In other words, shut up. So her whole statement, translated, reads: "All of us here at Google are in 100% favor of free speech and diversity of opinion. Except for this guy. He needs to shut up."
Google engineering vice president Aristotle Balogh also wrote an internal post criticizing the employee's memo, saying "stereotyping and harmful assumptions" could not be allowed to play any part in the company's culture.
In other words, shut up. Like Ms. Brown, Mr. Balogh is not going to bother to engage the memo on the merits of the arguments, either. It's just WrongThink™.
Meanwhile, progressives want to address the problems raised by this memo by getting the guy fired, setting up industry blacklists of misogynists and racists, and death threats.
Because progressive.
And HuffPo similarly has its panties in a wad:

This is part 1 of a brilliant tweet-storm analysis of the memo. The other parts are chain-linked together. Just scroll down to read them all:
My prayers are with the anonymous author of the memo. I hope he has buried himself way deep. Clearly, the knives are out for him. I expect that behind the scenes, there is a full-court press going on to find out who he is, and if they do, it's not going to be pretty.
Lastly, it's kind of creepy that Google actually has someone whose title is "vice president of diversity, integrity and governance". Other than being an SJW loudmouth, I wonder what the qualifications for such a position are.

posted by OregonMuse at
07:37 PM
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