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July 15, 2017
Ace of Spades Pet Thread
Welcome to the almost world famous Ace of Spades Pet Thread. Where pets are happy and PETA isn't.
So, grab a beverage, a snack and relax with your other animal lovin' Morons.
A Little of This. A Little of That.
Another reason not to have a doggy door.
Wimpy cat.
Don't feed the damn animals.
Meet The PetMorons
This is moron Mymind here.
Maggie the dog is a rescue that we have had for 8 years now. We think she is an American Foxhound, but who really knows? She is very sweet but not overly fond of the cats (unless she sees one on our walks). The calico is Sasha, and the grey is Moe. Moe has passed on, Sasha was willed to us by my sister in law who passed away from cancer. Maggie and Sasha tolerate each other quite well.
Quite the facial expression. Thanks for the submission.
Mina, standing, and Geddy, sitting. Rescued Geddy as a puppy from a meth head needing money. Mina just wants to be touched. They love swimming in the irrigation canal, hunting mice and gophers on our acreage and love being bed hogs in the morning. - S.Lynn
They certainly look angelic ;)
This is my new wingman, Elvis. He is a Treeing Tennessee Brindle Dog (and quite possibly something else). I got him at a big pet rescue event a couple weeks ago. A hound dog from Tennessee, he had to be Elvis.
He's 6 months old and a ball of energy and love. He loves to chase the squirrels and deer but also loves to come back inside and snuggle, he's very affectionate. I have no idea why anyone would give him up for adoption, I think he's going to be a great little buddy. - JackStraw
What a cutie. Good luck breaking him on the deer chasing.
Hello,This guy is a bit needy. Athletic. Chews everything. Alpha dog. Overall good boy. -Buddy
These aren’t my pets, they own a friend of mine, and he likes to share pictures of “The Boys.”
The cat, named Rusty, is an orange tabby rescue, and the dog, a Cocker Spaniel-mix named Dusty, are only a few days apart in age, and have been together since they were a couple of months old. As you can see, they barely tolerate each other!
When the cat gets scared, he runs and hides in the dog kennel, and when the dog needs to do his business, and there’s no one home to let him out, he uses the cat’s litter box. (So far, the cat has been unable to teach him to cover up his business when he’s finished.)
Just thought I’d share, I think it’s pretty neat. -Retired Spook
Pretty darn cute!!
What a great group!!! As usual we are disappointed in you folks. These poor critters look so abused and mistreated.
Do you have something pet and/or animal related you wish to share? A funny video? Interesting story? Neat tip? A photo of your pet? Please send them to us here at petmorons at gmail dot com.
Have a great week!!!

posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at
03:00 PM
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