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July 05, 2017
The Morning Report 7/5/17
Good morning, kids. Everything's popping at once as the Independence Day holiday barely draws to a close. First and foremost, the President has called for an emergency UN meeting behind closed doors to deal with the threat from Whoa, Fat! Compare and contrast PDT with the past three presidents and shit status is going to get real.
Next, the Obama-inspired and instigated war on cops heated up last night as a 12-year veteran of the NYPD was assassinated while sitting in a patrol car. Whether it's BLM or members of the RoP (two groups that are perhaps tied closer than we are being led to believe), this is the legacy of Barack Obama and the Left. No doubt, the cop had it coming because she looked too militaristic, per Daniel Greenfield's disturbing piece about how the butchered Dallas cops were left defenseless, as if they were in a house in Benghazi. Yes if only we just didn't defend ourselves, then attackers would have no reason to attack us, right? Sheesh.
Lastly, the link about the local reaction to outsiders (read: white people) opening a business in the poor, Latino slum of Boyle Heights is infuriating on multiple levels. On the one hand, the Left bitches that the inner cities are being abandoned, but when people come in to open a business and help the economy, the residents (that is to say Leftist community organizers and race hustlers) rail against racist "gentrification." And yet, recall that one of Mr. Obama's last acts of destruction was to organize the war on the suburbs by forcing safe and prosperous communities to build section eight housing projects because, social justice. It is to laugh, and puke. Boy, does much of this country ever need a Travis Bickle-sized enema.
Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.