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July 01, 2017
Ace of Spades Pet Thread
Welcome to the almost world famous Ace of Spades Pet Thread. Thank you for stopping by. Sit, down, stay. OK, grab a beverage first, then sit, down, stay.
A Little of This. A Little of That.
I can't relate to this. There are some sick bastards out there. h/t L, Elle
This little kitty is one lucky cat. How many lives does it have left?
Another lucky cat.
Creative toddler and his dog make a great team.
My kind of politician.
Meet The Pet Morons
Conor has a friend. .....the other was when they had exhausted themselves and really settled down! - Hrothgar
This is summer birdwatching at its best for these two. Cat on the left just turned 5, and is my rescue kitten Henrietta Hotpaws, who joined the family from a little local rescue at 6 months. Tutti Fruitti is my foundling boy found under a dumpster at 5-6 weeks, still wanting to nurse, much to the dismay of the labradoodle Noodle whose back 3/4 you can see on the left here. He's now 9 and weighs about 18 pounds, and his adopted momma Noodle is 11.5 and coming close to doggy heaven these days. Mostly lurker 'ette NAPalmer
This is my hospice rescue baby named Tessa. Tessa is purebred Devon Rex. She has a terrible heart defect called Tetralogy of Fallot. Her prognosis is poor but she's now 1 1/2 years old and going strong. Would love to hear anything from others with Fallot kitties. -Brandon
Cats Zelda (top) and Finn. And Stella. A Weimaraner-Boxer mix. from ACE moron P. Aaron
This is Rebel the Dog from North Carolina, who now lives in Ohio. He likes to go for walks, truck rides, chasing squirrels and rabbits and cuddling! He is an American Staffordshire Terrier and we've been together since he was a pup almost 2 years ago. Well-behaved, good mannered and I'm very proud of him. His Uncle,who is a Special Forces Troop,found him at Fayetteville....and he's a joy to be around. Thanks to ACE for doing a fine job at AOSHQ, we couldn't have done it without ya!! ---All our best....Rick554 and Rebel the Dog!
Greetings! Lurker Rosa here. Here is a picture of the parasite living in my apartment. His name is Pippin, otherwise known as You Fluffy Bastard, Get Off Me, Darwin's Mistake, and Pip.
He was a rescue back in 2003, which makes him about 14-15 now. Half Maine Coon; at his high he was 25 pounds, and he's so long that when you're chopping meat on the counter, he can go up on his hind legs and get a paw into it without leaving the floor. He has an unquenchable appetite for everything, including things that aren't food. He's eaten wires, balloons, broom straws, plastic, and a pair of headphones. Diabetic, allergic to fleas, and has the brain capacity of a concussed hamster. But if you've never had an affectionate Maine Coon curl around the back of your head and purr up a storm, you haven't lived. Love him to death.
Reggie black and white,
Gizmo white,
Rocky darker brown,
Chino lighter brown, big eyes--
F16 Bill
What a fine looking group of Pet Morons!!! Thanks 'rons & 'ettes for submitting all of those photos. We've been getting quite a few lately. Thanks for that. Please be patient while we get to them. If you have a story, tip or photo you wish to submit you can at petmorons at g mail dot.
Have a great weekend!!!

posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at
03:30 PM
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