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June 26, 2017
Supreme Court Reinstates, Mostly, Trump's Travel Ban;
Dissenters' Argument Is That They Should Have Restored All of the Ban
The only limitation the court is permitting on the travel ban is for those who have a bona-fide pre-existing close relative in the country or bona-fide, established-previously business in the country. Such persons may visit the country.
But for all others, the Trump ban is back on.
Incidentally, the opinion doesn't even mention Trump's campaign statements, suggesting that the Court views this entire line of argument to be so illegitimate as to not even be worth a rebuttal.
This is a decision about a preliminary injunction -- the Court has struck most of the lower courts' injunction against enforcement of the ban down. But the case has not been heard in full on the merits yet. That'll happen later -- but it's not looking good for #TheResistance.
The resistance's greatest legal victory has been gutted, and not even Ruth Bader Ginsburg accepted its most extreme arguments.