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Overnight Open Thread 6/21/17 (tmi3rd) »
June 21, 2017
Bits and Bobs Open Thread
David Frum had a bit of a snit today.
Charles Cooke demolished his spasmodic, full-auto-ignorance tweets in two posts, the second one specifically mentioning David Frum, who, by the way, looks like he spent twenty years in Barad-Dur being raped by Gollum and learned to love it.
His every spastically uninformed argument rubbished, he then turned to -- get this! -- emotively shrieking like the sad Gollum bitch he is.
Jazz Shaw digests a good Peter Bienart piece about how Democrats -- who once routinely spoke in favor of border enforcement and even noticed (gasp!) that of course an unlimited stream of new foreign workers must depress native-born wages, have since decided that to repeat any of the things they uncontroversially said just 8-10 years ago is a vile heresy.
They did the same thing on gay marriage and Choose Your Own Adventure bathrooms, too, of course.
The FBI has bizarrely claimed that James Hodgkinson had no "particular target in mind," and that his assassination attempt was -- of course -- definitely not terrorism.
I forgot to mention this classic excuse earlier -- a Democrat operative said Ossoff lost because it was impossible to reach his voters, because they live in their parents' houses.
Sounds about right!
A precinct captain for Democratic candidate Jon Ossoff's congressional campaign complained recently that many of his constituents are hard to reach because they still live at home with their parents.
"Those were the angriest people," Jessica Zeigler told Slate, referring to the Republican parents of the young Democrats. "When you are targeting their child, or heaven forbid their child might not think the same way as them, it becomes ugly."
Living with your parents at age 27 does tend to make one angry.
The parents aren't too thrilled, either.
Speaking of Monster Babies, I linked this earlier, but it's worth highlighting: The President of Evergreen State Day Care Center says he's issued a "stern warning" to some of the thugs at his Monster Baby Nursery.
And that's all I got. Night!