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June 20, 2017
Deck of Many Things Open Thread
Senator Feinstein endorses the "heckler's veto," and says that if her leftist fellow travelers get all rioty and stabby, then it's prudent for colleges to shut down the speaker that the rioters are trying to shut down.
Compare this to Kevin Williamson's observation that it's not rhetoric that leads to violence, but violence endorsed by and permitted by authorities that leads to further violence.
Is it any wonder that James Hodgkinson thought he had the official sanction of the state to commit assassinations, when agents of the state are handing out get-out-of-jail-free-cards for leftists committing violence?
Eric Holder, cited for contempt of Congress and also notorious for being the lawyer who got the Clinton donor fugitive financier Marc Rich a pardon, is positioning himself as a hard-left leader of #TheResistance so he can run for president in 2020.
Yahoo News reports that the former AG’s goal is "to lead the legal resistance to Donald Trump's agenda -- and perhaps even run against the president in 2020."
"Up to now, I have been more behind-the-scenes," Holder told Yahoo. "But that's about to change. I have a certain status as the former attorney general. A certain familiarity as the first African-American attorney general."
Al Franken admits that the "Impeachment" talk from the Democrats is all posturing for elections, as he cautions that, were Trunp to be impeached, the much-more dangerous "zealot" Mike Pence would become president.
Which is why they'd then have to impeach him too, as quickly as possible, so that the presumably-Democratic Speaker of the House could then ascend to the Iron Throne.
And then the coup would be complete, and Katy Bar the Door.
The Bachelor spin-off show, Bachelor Losers Reunite In Shame, suspended production after foggy allegations of sexual abuse -- rape was suggested -- arose.
Well, now the show's back in production. It appears that a female contestant got very drunk -- or was encouraged to drink by producers, hoping for some drunken shenanigans -- and made moves on a sexual nature on male contestants who were "unable to give consent."
It's unclear if this simply didn't happen at all, or it was some kind of fairly minor thing like petting a drunk guy's package.
Anyway, now everyone's saying nothing happened.
Even though the entire cast was sent home and production was suspended during the investigation.
Rita Panahi wants to know where all the leftist voices, so effusive about calling terrorism terrorism in the Finsbury Mosque attack, make up so many excuses to avoid doing so when it comes to Islamic terrorism.
Here's just one example of that:
Meanwhile, Twitter Author John Scalzi, Children's Author JK Rowling, and Astroturf Comment Author David Axelrod all fulminated over Trump's failure to Tweet about Finsbury; yet today, they've said nothing about the Brussels attack (at least, not before I goaded them about it).