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June 20, 2017
Terrorist Wearing Explosive Belt Shot But Not Killed in Brussels Train Station; Small Explosion Heard
There's a picture of a small fire in the train station here, which is probably due to the explosion. It's not been reported yet if the explosion was controlled, or if someone just chucked the belt away before it blew up.
Or, you can see it in this tweet:
Here's a short video of troops arriving at the train station.
Reports say he was "neutralized." Some tweets say there are reports he was seriously wounded, but is alive. Police say the situation is "under control" now.
The motive may never be known, if CNN has its way.
Update: Maybe the situation is less under control than previously advertised. Reports out that special police forces (anti-terror squads, I imagine) have been deployed to hunt for second suspect.
The Motive May Never Be Known Update: Man allegedly shouted "Allahu Ackbar" as he attempted to detonate the explosive belt.
More recent reports suggest the man was in fact killed, not just injured.