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June 19, 2017
Hillary R. Clinton, Will You Please Go Now?

Hillary! And Her Familiar
(If you're really feeling perverse, you can click on the pic for an even bigger version. I'm such a giver.)
This is the most disturbing picture of Her Thighness I've seen in a while. It accompanies this HeatStreet piece, People Won't Stop Trying to Make Hillary Happen. What has more amusing photoshopped pics of Her Thighness. And you masochists out there can click on it for an even bigger version.
Oh, and she identifies strongly with Wonder Woman:
“Now I haven’t seen Wonder Woman yet, but I’m going to, in part because it’s directed by the fabulous Patty Jenkins.
“But something tells me that a movie about a strong, powerful woman fighting to save the world from a massive international disaster is right up my alley.”
God's wounds, the woman is absolutely shameless.
And apparently she doesn't know that if she has to tell everybody she's a strong woman, she's not a strong woman.
Warner Bros. supposedly wasn't happy about this:
A source at Warner Brothers, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Heat Street: “It’s great that Hillary Clinton will see the movie but her remarks aren’t particularly helpful and our publicity team certainly won’t be spreading them about.
“Wonder Woman doesn’t need Hillary Clinton’s endorsement—it will make $250 million by the end of this week. We’re anxious to keep politics out of Wonder Woman any way we can.
I say "supposedly" because the only sources are 'anonymous' and the statement reads too much like what I would prefer such a statement to say. Even so, maybe it means there is still a modicum of sanity left in Hollywood.

posted by OregonMuse at
11:35 AM
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