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June 04, 2017
Oh My: Has #FakeNews CNN Been Caught Stage-Managing a "Muslim Protest" Against Terrorism?
If "@BeckyCNN" (no idea who this is) didn't actually stage the "protest," she and her crew sure seem to have taken the lead in directing it for videotaping it.
I don't know if this is "staging," but it does seem like coordination between CNN and the "protesters," rather than pictures of a spontaneous protest. It seems like a show put on only to be photographed by CNN, with CNN providing cinematography expertise -- maybe not "staged," per se, but it sure looks stage-managed.
Would CNN help protesters of any right-wing cause set up their shot for maximum viewer impact?
This may well show a genuine, real sentiment being expressed by the protesters -- but it also shows CNN coordinating with them not to show an actual, organic protest, but to artificially set up a specific message that both CNN and the protesters want on TV.
More at Gateway Pundit: Apparently the same group appeared at multiple locations.
The Narrative sausage -- a glimpse into how it gets made.
More: This thread on Twitter is a good read -- apparently, in the midst of a terrorist attack, one Brit took another Brit to task for using non-approved language against Islamist terrorists.
Yes -- during the attack.