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Saturday Afternoon Chess/Open Thread 05-13-2017 »
May 13, 2017
Ace of Spades Pet Thread
Welcome to the almost world famous Ace of Spades Pet Thread. Grab a beverage, sit back and relax. Spend some time in the world of animals.
A Little of This. A Little of That.
I wish I could claim this is my dog. I can't.
Even baby Hippos require dental care. Knock it off with the Nevergiveup jokes.
Missing pet. Happy ending as it returns.
Super dog Protects home against bear.
Squirrel with a sense of humor? Or it has seen Death Wish one too many times.
Doggeh cake eating competition.
Meet The PetMorns
Our first entry this week is from ibguy. Meet Maddie. Cute puppy.
What an adorable puppy!!!! Mrs. Mis. Hum. said "NO!!" we can't get one.
This is Zuri, our Rhodesian Ridgeback. This photo was taken at about 7 weeks old. She's about doubled in size now after 10 weeks.
Thanks for doing the blog. Pet Thread is one of my favorite parts of AoS.
Wow, quite the athletes. And the photographer isn't bad either.
So yeah, the photos are kinda in two parts, the setup and then the real action. This is what happens when you adopt two boisterous six-month-old pups and then hold a stick over their heads. They assaulted me in unison.
By the time they finished, there wasn't much left of that stick.
Both were rescue pups. The brown-and-white rascal was Worf, probably Catahoula and something else. In the first photo, you can see his three-tone mottled coat and that typical hound baying stance. He was fearless and for every day of his life, he woke me up with a vigorous face wash. Lemme tell ya, that's more effective than coffee.
The little black sweetie was Tasha, who preferred to wash my husband's feet, hands, knees, whatever she could reach, but she never presumed to lick his face. She fell in the spectrum somewhere between Lab and bull terrier, with killer jaws and raw hunting instincts. Not long after these photos were taken, she took to yanking full-grown raccoons off the chain-link fence at midnight, and never had any problem doing so.
They owned us for sixteen years. Both are gone now, and every time I suggest getting another dog, my husband tears up and I'm not far behind.
Gunnar Grey
lurker extraordinaire
author, publisher, Chief Dingbat
Dingbat Publishing
My what a fuzzy hairdo. Poodles remarkable dogs, but lots 'o groomin' Have fun Votermom.
this is my new coblogger (codename vpup).
He is a standard poodle puppy, 10 weeks old in this photo.
Last, but not least this weekend are 2 cats owned by Lisa The Lurker. Here they are.
You said you needed some cat pictures and we certainly have those! I'm longtime lurker Lisa and lover of all things ACE.
This is Annabelle or as we like to call her -"Tiny Bubbles". She's as light as picking up 27 cotton balls & her beauty mark makes us swoon.
Eleven years ago she did us the honor of bringing her 3 kittens into our schnauzer laden yard & life has never been the same.....in that we are now crazy cat and dog lovers❤.
Lover of all things ACE? You haven't seen the break room have you?
Longtime Lurker Lisa again.....This is Flynn. You posted his kitten pictures. He's grown up. In the meantime we got Amazon Prime, joined a wine club & now he gets new outfits in 24 hours.
What a great bunch of pets!!! Thank you for submitting their photos and sharing with us. Once again, they all look neglected, mistreated and genuinely miserable. Good job.
Do you have a photo, an animal story, something you wish to share? You can reach the Pet Thread at petmorons at gmail dot com.
See you next week, God willing and the creeks don't rise.

posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at
03:00 PM
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