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May 04, 2017
The Morning Report 5/4/17
Good morning, kids. Lots going on today. First up, the Obamacare Repeal/Replace/Renege Roadshow will be voted on in the House today. For some reason Fred Upton, the jerk-wad who succeeded in getting incandescent lightbulbs banned, is being looked on as the go-to "moderate" in all of this. In any case, even if it passes, we have wonderful folks in the Senate like Susan Collins to make sure the freedom-killing, life-threatening, politician-enriching bureaucracy remains intact. Evidently, Marine LePen wiped the floor with Macron in the final debate before this weekend's crucial French election. Susan Rice is refusing to testify before the Senate. Something in a nice set of handcuffs and leg irons would be appropriate, no? And meanwhile, Mick Mulvaney's response to the budget deal perfectly illustrates the complete tone-deafness of Washington. He thinks our side getting more spending money than the other is a big win for the American people. Newsflash, champ: we voted for your boss to CUT SPENDING. Meanwhile, PDT and Mahmoud "Auschwitz?-Never-heard-of-it" Abbas gave each other wet kisses and announced peace in our time. Mazel tov, Mr. President. Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.