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March 30, 2017
Scientists: The Tyranosaurus Rex Was a Caring Lover Who Offered A Lot of Foreplay In Order to Control Women's Bodies and Garner Masculine Achievements
Just kidding on the back half, but the first half is what scientists are claiming.
They found an earlier cousin of the tyranosaurus, not a rex but a smaller one, and found they probably enjoyed Snout Sex.
Scientists now believe the dinosaur and other tyrannosaurs including T. rex wore a mask of large, flat scales, with regions of tough and protective amour-like skin around the snout and jaws.
They found the hard surface of the snout had many "foramina" - small nerve openings.
These turned the dinosaur's face into an incredibly sensitive "third hand".
Lead scientist Dr Thomas Carr, from Carthage College in Wisconsin, said: "Given that the foramina are identical in tyrannosaurs indicates that they had super-sensitive skin as well."
Co-author Prof Jayc Sedlmayr, from Louisiana State University, said: "Our finding of a complex sensory web is especially interesting because it is derived from the trigeminal nerve which has an extraordinary evolutionary history of developing into wildly different 'sixth senses' in different vertebrates."
A sixth sense or a sexth sense, IYKWIMAITYD.