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March 17, 2017
The Morning Report 3/17/17

Good morning, kids. The Weekend's here at last. Big news of the day is Ryno-Care is out of committee and Paul Ryan survives another day. The other huge story is yet another hack activist dressed up as a judge has defied his oath and blocked a completely legal and Constitutional executive order by the President to temporarily halt immigration. The absolute unabashed lawlessness is breathtaking. And if that wasn't enough to get your Irish up, we have a Maryland judge who is considering
ordering PDT to accept even more unvetted "refugees," an act that is completely outside their purview and authority. The question now is, should the President just ignore the judiciary and instruct the appropriate instrumentalities of the Executive Branch to proceed with the ban? Unfortunately, there is precedent from "Precedent" Obama on this, where he played "catch me if you can" in at least several instances. If you start saying to yourself, we have to scrap the Constitution to save the Constitution, we are indeed through the Looking Glass, and darkly. Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.