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February 22, 2017
Wednesday Night ONT: I'm Back!
Welcome to Wednesday's ONT, or as I like to call it, slumming. Should have lots of content tonight, I've been bookmarking stuff for 2 weeks now, but before we get started, remember that this is the internet, where things aren't always what they seem to be.
Troll Level: Master
The best trolls aren't always witty comebacks or catchy bon mots. Sometimes they simply make the target babble at their own contradictions, like this example about Audi's Super Bowl ad:
The Human Drama of Athletic Competition
The Smug is Strong in This One
Op-ed: Letter to my Republican friends
This entire op-ed sounds like a man complaining that his wife just wasn't as understanding as he expected after he slept with her sister. A sample:
But I always thought you personally still recognized the importance of taxes to support a safe, healthy and benevolent society, that you respected the role of government as our way of collectively choosing, supporting, and enforcing our social values, and that you agreed that of course we, who have an abundance of resources, would share with those who don’t, that we are all our brothers’ keepers.
It goes on for paragraph after tedious paragraph, frankly anyone who finishes the whole thing deserves a medal. I hate to say it, it's overused, almost a cliché, but some clichés are true: This is how you got Trump in the first place. Of course, never forget that it's the Libs who are the intellectual giants among us.
Bad Leg! No Bone for You!
Parents and Famalies
Day care's message to parents goes viral
It's a good message too. It's wonderful to be able to be plugged in all the time, but I fear that it's doing real harm to our social skills, and I'm not excluding myself from that judgment. The people on the human ark from Wall-E don't seem as farfetched as they did when the movie came out.
How Children Lost the Right to Roam in Just 4 Generations
This is another sore spot for me. I know Little's world isn't as large as mine was at his age. If I let him, he'd be happy to sit glued to his X-Box all day. I do push him out into the world as often as I can, but I'm afraid that often times he just goes down the street and plays video games at a friends house. It doesn't help that there aren't that many kids in our neighborhood, and he no longer wants to play two brothers that he used to ride bikes with (and I don't blame him. They're bi-racial, and one day he mentioned a movie starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, and one of them turned on him and yelled at him him for saying “nigger”. Which he didn't. And the boy didn't care that “Schwarzenegger” was the man's name, he threatened Little. I wouldn't hang out with them either).
Families Sue NYC For Reporting Them To Child Services When They Homeschool
And yet we're the Fascists. Right.
“All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.”
-Benito Mussolini
Over at Townhall, John Hawkins tries to answer, honestly and without rancor, 20 Questions Liberals Wanted to Ask a Conservative, and follows up with 15 more questions in part 2. A noble effort, but I fear one doomed to failure.
Oh, Canada.
Drunk Canadian Men Arrested for Riding Couch Towed Behind ATV Through McDonalds Drive Thru
There's video at the link. I dunno, looks like fun to me. I question the authenticity, however. If they were real Canadians, it would have been a Tim Hortons. They must be from Quebec.
This Has Never Happened to Anybody. Ever.
(It's from a Kiwi bacon ad)
Never Trust a Guy With the Moniker “Weird”
Was ‘Weird Al’ the real star all along?
My own sobriquet was given to me 20-some years ago by a bunch of Leftists on a very liberal message board. It describes how they felt about my conservative values. It was a kinder, gentler time, today they'd call me NaziDave.
What injury is unusually common in your state?
I like how Maryland gets “sprained hand” and DC “facial injury”. That's right, we're busy punching those beltway bureaucrats in the face. And what's with the huge suffocation belt out west? Florida, at least, is no surprise: “head injury”.
A Smart Military Blog
Which is nothing compared to DuffelBlog:Mattis signs order formally recognizing Jalapeno cheese spread as currency at all DoD facilities
Two Stories About How the World Sucks
"I had to:" Man explains "honor" killing sister in Pakistan
200 Million Girls Killed in China, Where Are the Feminists?
Bleh. NASA Announces 7 Earth-Size Planets Found Around Single Star, with Some in Habitable Zone I'm ready. Lets go.
Tonight's ONT brought to you by pickup lines:

H/t Christopher Taylor
The Yahoo Group needs more cowbell.

posted by WeirdDave at
10:08 PM
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