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February 03, 2017
My Open Tabs (Open Thread Until Ace Shows Up)
So, I've been trying this new Brave browser for Windows and I think it's pretty good. I know it's better than Chrome, which I'm now discarding. I think those of use morons who can should use the Brave browser because the man behind it is Brendan Eich, who ran afoul of the Committee For Public Safety Social Justice Wankers for making a donation to a political cause they did not approve.
Anyway, these are the tabs I have open on it:
DEAR NEVER-TRUMPERS: Are You Going To Stand Behind Your President?
Here's one that should be getting more attention:
NavyJack – Operation HYPO After Action Report: Infiltrating Violent Protest Organizations.
It's good to know that O'Keefe isn't the only one out there doing the Lord's work trying to expose these violent groups. I want to see a buttload of RICO lawsuits as soon as AG Sessions is confirmed.
Russia, Trump & Flawed Intelligence
This is an excellent refutation of the "Russia hack the election" myth. In the New York Review of Books, no less.
Was There an Exodus?
Very interesting article on the historicity of the Exodus from a professor of Bible at Bar-Ilan University and a research fellow at the Herzl Institute in Israel.

posted by OregonMuse at
01:15 PM
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