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January 21, 2017
Thread below the Pet Thread: 21 Jan 2017 [KT]
I like this visual:
But I think this is a more pertinent topic for the day after the inauguration:
I think people are expecting too much from a new administration, too much good and/or too much bad. My hope is for a return to simple common sense. I am all nuanced-out.
These topics are from Maggie's Farm, in a roundup of Inauguration Day items.
The most over-wrought comment I saw on Facebook this week, from a guy questioning his conservatism, warned that Trump was about to treat all protesters like those anarchists who trashed D.C. on the day of the inauguration. "Arm yourselves", he said.
Oh, and then there was the guy who though the unpopularity of lefty protesters blocking roads was an indication that they were like MLK and George Washington. The women who are enraged about Trump seem to be going more with social media slogans of the day. Sad.
Unfortunately, a couple of guys also seem to have some rather over-blown positive expectations for Trump which seem to be based on their own political hobby horses. One of them is quite annoying. I'm in the "it's hard to predict everything that is going to happen in Washington" category, myself.
What's the craziest reaction to the inauguration you've seen on social media? Other than the one CBD highlighted earlier today?
Note: Garden Thread is still open for garden, wildlife or corn-related topics. Pet Thread is coming up. Enjoy your weekend.

posted by Open Blogger at
02:10 PM
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