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December 31, 2016
Obama's Petulance And Ignorance Of Geopolitics HAs Forced Israel To Be More Aggressive
Obama's ham-handed but partly successful attempt at isolating his least favorite country (filled with yucky Jooos!) may very well push Israel to be more proactive militarily and more belligerent diplomatically. It didn't take long for Obama to demonstrate his lack of geopolitical chops, but as Brett Stephens in The Wall Street Journal says, this may be the worst yet.
Here are Netanyahu's comments regarding Israel's response to the UN resolution.
I read in several newspapers this morning that they are complaining about my vigorous stand against the countries that voted against us at the UN. Israel is a country with national pride and we do not turn the other cheek. This is a responsible, measured and vigorous response, the natural response of a healthy people that is making it clear to the nations of the world that what was done at the UN is unacceptable to us.
And here is the Israeli Embassador to the United States, Ron Derner....Israeli envoy: Obama gave Palestinians ammunition for diplomatic war on Israel
"We can't just meet with visiting dignitaries as if nothing has happened, this a serious effort against Israel, it's an anti-Israel resolution," he charged, pointed to Hamas's praising of the resolution as proof. "Israel's enemies are celebrating this resolution, that tells you all you need to know."
Israel is willing to accept low-level terrorism as the price it pays for living in a nasty part of town. That is not to say that does not fight it forcefully, but there are additional, deeply unpopular steps it could take against the Palestinians, but chooses not to in the interest of political and diplomatic calm.
But throwing Israel to the wolves of the United Nations removes that pressure to conform to world opinion. If the World announces via its voices in Turtle Bay that Israel is not a legitimate state, then why should Israel play nice?
And passing a resolution that explicitly states that Israel's most holy site, and the core of its society for 3,000 years is actually not part of Israel is a powerful message that Israel does not have to play by the rules....
posted by CBD at
10:25 AM
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