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December 17, 2016
Ace of Spades Pet Thread
Welcome to the Ace of Spades Pet Threads. Take a break from college basketball, Christmas shopping and heavy drinking. Let's talk about pets and animals and maybe your little brother who is after all a pet and an animal. Enjoy!
A Little of This. A Little of That.
Yeah Boss, I'm stuck in a traffic jam. No I haven't been drinking. Dogs are the problem.
Gives new meaning to It's gone to the dogs
Even among pets there are some that are Bah-Humbug about Christmas.
Can the pet thread have a feel good story of the day?I sure hope so.
Kids get a chance to practice their reading skills.
Quite the leaf pile you had there.
Meet The PetMorons
Our first PetMoron today is Sassy. Here is her story.
"Longtime lurker, Lanrick. Here is a picture of our dog Sassafras, or Sassy. She is a rescue animal, just over a year old, and half pug half lab."
You Morons crack us up here at the Pet Thread. Here is Jeb and his Moron telling us all about him. Of course Jeb the pup, is a total sweetheart.
"Longtime lurker, almost never poster. Registered as "rabidsquirrel".
This fuzzy guy is my foster dog Jeb. He's a 10 month old Pit Bull with some hound in him. He enjoys squirrels, pooping, and licking himself. And he's a total sweetheart."
Dick Cheney's Cat submitted this photo of Zoey. Here is some background info on her. "Zoey is pure bred apple head Siamese. Which means she couldn't be shown in a cat show, they only show the wedgie's.
I named her after her father Zoechen.
Don't you think that cat heaven mainly consists of full bellies, sunbeams and a firebox? "
Hey Joe, where you going with that bone in your mouth. (I'ms so sorry couldn't help myself)
A Lurker submitted this about Joe. "This is Joe. He was a feral stray we found 8 years ago. Joe would not let me touch him, although he would come and take food out of my hand. We won Joe over a few days before Christmas and convinced him to come inside the house. I think cold temps had something to do with that. Do not be fooled by the sweet face. This is his 'bitch, get to the kitchen and make me a sammich' look. I am not joking.
(Occasional poster/mostly lurker that would like to stay anonymous). Thank you."
No, thank you for sharing the story.
Moron Nic; KBDaBear
These are my Pet Thread Compliance Pics
My first kitty is a 14 year old tabby named Penny. Sadly she won't make it to 15 as she's been given a few months at best by the vet after I took her in for seizures and she has been diagnosed with cancer. For now I'm doing what I can to make her comfortable in her last days, she's a sweet kitteh and I'll miss her very much when it's time
My second kitty is a 9 year old Tortoiseshell named April who fortunately is in much better condition and is as playful as she is chubby.
This photo has been submitted by Martin. His dog's name is Champ. Sounds as if Champ has lived a cruel life.
"This is Champ. He's a Swedish Vallhund we picked up while living in the U.K. He's the friendliest dog in the neighborhood, an outstanding watchdog, and sworn enemy to all squirrels, rabbits, geese, and crows. He's also a very good dog and thus earns many cookies and blueberries throughout the day."
Normally the Pet Thread is politics free and it will remain so. Anybody who has a pet who is patient enough to wear a cap deserves to be in the thread.
Meet Max. A Lurker submitted this photo of the a good looking dog. Heads up pets wearing Lib clothing will not be featured ;)
So that wraps it up for another week. Not sure what we have planned for next week's Pet Thread as it is Christmas Eve Day. We'll think of something. Tips, stories, pet photos, c'mon you know where to send them petmorons at gee mail dot com.
Have a great week everybody!
posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at
03:04 PM
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