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Friday Night Overnight Open Thread (12/2/16) CDR-M-less Edition »
December 02, 2016
"Drain The Swamp" Sounds Great, But There Will Be Pushback...From Everyone...Maybe Even Trump
I like John Stossel. And here is a good example of his levelheadedness and lack of partisan excitement when it comes to politics and politicians. Drain the Swamp! doesn't tell us anything new, but his perspective is quintessentially conservative.
When you're in Congress, people ask you for money all day. "I need a grant for my charity—we do so much good!" "My business needs a subsidy/protective tariff—we employ so many people—in your state!" So it goes, week after week.
Few people bother to go to Washington to ask for spending cuts. Even though America is heading toward bankruptcy, 90 percent of congressional testimony comes from people who want more stuff.
He asks a fair question: Is Donald Trump going to do what he said he would do? I have no idea, and Trump is keeping us off balance with his usual tactics. And that's okay with me. I would much rather judge him on his actions than his sleight-of-hand with the media. However, as Stossel says:
But it's easier to believe Thomas Jefferson who, with greater eloquence, said, "It's the natural progress of things for government to gain ground, and liberty to yield."