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October 20, 2016
University of Toronto Professor Refuses to Use "Genderless Pronouns;" Chaos Ensues
"Gendereless pronouns" fall into two main categories:
1. using plural pronouns such as "they" or "them" or "their" when only one person is being discussed, in which case the "genderless pronoun" is a grammatical error
2. using genderless pronouns like "xir" and "xe," which are, get this, not real words
So the University of Toronto apparently has laid down an edict that educated professors are now required to only speak in grammatical errors or made-up nonsense words.
University of Toronto faculty signed a letter criticizing hate speech against their transgender and black students in light of a fellow professor's refusal to use "genderless pronouns."
Psychology professor Jordan Peterson posted a two-part lecture on YouTube in which he lambasted current political correctness on campuses and criticized Bill C-16, a bill that would outlaw discrimination and harassment based on gender identity and expression.
Peterson also refused to use gender neutral pronouns if asked by students.
250 members of the faculty then wrote a letter condemning this lone defender of common sense, and forbidding him from commenting on a proposed law due to his having an Unapproved Opinion about it.
The letter told Peterson that he must start using genderless pronouns if asked and that he needs to stop commenting publicly on the topic.
The letter also claimed that Peterson’s refusal to use gender neutral pronouns could be considered discrimination.
"Your statements that you will refuse to refer to transgendered persons using gender neutral pronouns if they ask you to do so are contrary to the rights of those persons to equal treatment without discrimination based on their 'gender identity' and gender expression," the letter claims.
Here's an article about this Heretical Professor advocating for Forbidden Blasphemies.
Here's this Heretic's Forbidden YouTube video.