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October 16, 2016
GunThread: Where To Shoot! [CBD]
Don't forget to shoot your entry for the Postal Match that Jim, Sunk New Dawn has been gracious enough to arrange and collate. It should be fun to see whether we are all talk, and hell, it's an excuse to get out to the range. AoSHQ Postal Match Rules: Downloadable PDF
Besides; Ace commanded it!
Have a great weekend -- I really mean that. Do something interesting; do something that will give you a lift during this horrible season.
If shooting isn't interesting, then you are too far gone and need to turn in your man-card for a tutu and a pair of nice, sensible flats. And some crocheting lessons.

And speaking of ranges, many of you live in enlightened states where shooting isn't considered on par with bestiality and child pron. Unfortunately, some of us live in New Jersey, where it is a huge PITA to shoot. I am even tempted to get some thick foam rubber for my basement windows and shoot .22 in a makeshift underground range. Somebody please talk me out of it.
Anyway, here is a convenient tool to find a range. It isn't comprehensive, but it is a good place to start.
Ghost Gunner is a general purpose CNC mill, but is marketed specifically to mill AR-15 and AR-10 lowers to 100% completion. I would love to mill one of my own lowers, but the price tag is a bit steep for a one-off lower...$1,500. And buying one and then loaning it out may be a legal quagmire. I am unsure how this thing will make financial sense, although there are obvious reasons why one would buy the machine in spite of its cost.
Anyone have one of these?
Or one of these?
The Law of Self Defense, written by a real live AoSHQ Moron is a worthwhile addition to any gun owner's library. I read it, in spite of my unfortunate living situation (People's Republic of New Jersey) and it was extremely useful helping me understand the sometimes insane legal ramifications of the use of deadly force.
Use "AOSHQ" at checkout in the PROMOTIONAL CODE window and click the APPLY button and it should reflect the 20% discount.
And if you'd like an autographed copy, you can indicate what you'd like written using the "special comments" (or whatever it's called) window at checkout, as well.
posted by Open Blogger at
12:00 PM
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