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September 17, 2016
Ace of Spades Pet Thread [Mis. Hum.]
Can you believe another week has passed? Well, it has. It is time for The Ace of Spades Pet Thread. The home of all things pet related. Grab a T-R-E-A-T and enjoy.
Please check the politics at the door.
A Little of This. A Little of That.
Poor doggeh, at the wrong place at the wrong time.
Some things to do with your dogs before summer ends.
Identical twin dogs.
Legos, what can't they do?
Ok, how many of you sleep with your pet(s)? I plead guilty but I draw the line at 3.
Pat, a lurker, submitted this photo of Lady & Abby. They are Kerry Blue Terriers. I thought they look like Slash from GNR without the top hat. Cute dogs. Thanks for sharing.
'Ette Karate mom shared this photo of Calvin & Cecilia with us. Calvin hunts rodents when out and about. Cecilia likes to tangles with skunks. That's not a good thing.
This photo came in from the Cincinnati area. There was no nic. So I won't reveal the name of the person. However, you can say hello to Harry & Perry. Patriotric and book smart cats.
Say hello to Gidget. She's a mix-breed owned by CrotchetyOldJarHead. I have a feeling that's not who is holding Gidget.
A fine looking German Shepherd Dog by the name of Cooper. His master Buck IV claims he's an intelligent dog.
Studies have shown poodles to be a smart breed of dog. Sherry McEvil's poodle Etta Mae has a boatload of toys and knows them each by their name. Say hello to Etta and her toy, Louie Lizard.
DangerGirl's Siamese Cat Meatball is lucky to have lived to 5 years after sitting on this batch of biscuits. Ah forgive and forget?
Our final PetMoron is Mara Jade. She belongs to husband & wife lurkers Tim & Amanda. Mara likes the magical rainbow stick. Thank you for lurking and sharing your pet with us. C'mon out of the shadows. We don't bite-much.
Thank you for all of the pet tips and photos. We can be found at petmorons@gmail.com. You folks have a wonderful weekend.
posted by Open Blogger at
02:14 PM
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