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September 15, 2016
No: Obama's DHS Covering Up a Report Demonstrating That Our Border Security Is Woeful, For Fear of Helping Trump
If you ever wonder why I have become very aggressive and utterly unwilling to extend the slightest sort of political amity towards our opponents, it's because I am not longer willing to play that sort of sap.
If these fuckers have decided it's Thunderdome and laws exist simply to be broken as tactics may require, then only a schmuck continues playing by Marquis de Queensbury rules.
I used to argue against that position when commenters pushed it.
No more.
I'm done. They were right.
If it be Thunderdome, then let it be Thunderdome all around.
What percentage of illegal immigrants trying to make it across the Unites States’ southern border are stopped by the Border Patrol? According to Fox News, the Department of Homeland Security is sitting on a report which indicates the answer is just 51 percent. That figure is much lower than the official interdiction rate of 81 percent.
According to Fox reporter William Lajeunesse (video below), the final report was completed in May but, at that time, "the White House domestic policy council stepped in and stopped it." Furthermore, an unnamed source tells Lajeunesse the report is being held for, "political reasons" because it could "help elect Donald Trump."
Covering up his failures?
Lying to the American voter?
For cheap political gain?
I shan't believe it.
I simply shannot.