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September 10, 2016
Ace of Spades Pet Thread [Mis. Hum.]
Hello Pet Lovers. Welcome to the AoS Pet Thread.
A Little Of This, A Little Of That
Before we get going, Thank You 'rons & 'ettes. You folks really make this thread work!!! Thank you for your tips & photos.
Hero K-9 h/t Vic
Tears of joy! Yes, there are really tears of joy. h/t L, Elle
Man's best friend, indeed. h/t Willy J
Girl, you thought he was a Chihuahua but he was a muffin.
h/t lizauth
Let sleeping dogs lie. h/t Anonosaurus Wrecks
Talk about an agile cat.
Would you like to be a cat circus carny?
Every pet wants to be a star.
J.J. Sefton's cats are Molly & Max. They are 10 years old now. The photo was taken when they were about 4 months old. Yes Mr. Sefton their names should be included in your News Dump "M" countdown.
Say hello to redinbluestate's 3 amigos, Rico, Molly & Rose. They are very good watch dogs when he leaves home. He told me where he is from. He indeed lives in a blue state and a crime ridden city. Glad he has watchdogs.
Say hello to Zuke. Zuke is a Brindle Boxer 5 months old. His "Dad" is Matt, a lurker.
Mis. Hum's daughter, Spar-kay, submitted this photo of her puppy Nitro and his Uncle Dreamer. Nitro is part Pit bull, Lab & Pointer. Dreamer is an Irish Red & White Setter.
Lurker Steve submitted this photo of his kitten Zelda. Zelda is a Maine Coon and looks really sweet and cute.
This is an Old English Bull Dog by the name of Miles Savage. Looks like a regal dog owned by Moron Derptastic.
Here's a Rebel Standard Poodle by the name of Chester. Chester lives in the Twin Cities with his buddy Joe.
Our last pet this week is Lady. Lady was fortunate to come across Lurker Tom H. Someone dropped her off pregnant at his house. Lady whelped 10 pups. Tom found homes for all of them. He kept her and she is a wonderful house pet.
That wraps up the AoS Pet Thread for another week. A fine looking group of pets. Thank you for sharing with us.
Remember if you have pet/animal news, tips and photos you can reach us at petmorons at g mail dot com.

posted by Open Blogger at
02:40 PM
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