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September 08, 2016
Comey Memo to Embarrassed FBI: We Did a Labor Day Weekend Dump Because "We Don't Play [Political] Games;" No Prosecutor Would Think That a Woman Who Ludicrously Lies About Not Knowing What "(C)" Means and Deletes Emails Knowing They Are Under Subpeona
James Comey, the High Praetorian of the Liberal Establishment's Palace Guard, offers more impeachable bullshit about his turning the FBI into the Hillary Clinton campaign's Law Enforcement Division.
At the end of the day, the case itself was not a cliff-hanger; despite all the chest-beating by people no longer in government, there really wasn’t a prosecutable case. The hard part was whether to offer unprecedented transparency about our thinking. I explain to our alumni that I struggled with that part, but decided the best way to protect the FBI, the Department of Justice, and the American people’s sense of justice was to announce it in the way we did – with extraordinary transparency and without any kind of coordination.
I explain to our alums that I’m okay if folks have a different view of the investigation (although I struggle to see how they actually could, especially when they didn’t do the investigation), or about the wisdom of announcing it as we did (although even with hindsight I think that was the best course), but I have no patience for suggestions that we conducted ourselves as anything but what we are – honest, competent, and independent. Those suggesting that we are “political” or part of some “fix” either don’t know us, or they are full of baloney (and maybe some of both).
Looks like the apparatchik and dependable Democrat Company Man is trying to rescue his reputation.
Too late, stooge.