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August 16, 2016
Anjem Choudary, Islamist Hate Preacher Who Long Just Barely Skirted Law Against Proselytizing For Terror, Finally Convicted of Swearing Allegiance to ISIS; Faces Up to Ten Years in Prison
Via Instapundit. One of the evasions, I'm-supporting-terror-but-you-can't-convict-me-for-doing-so Choudary deployed was in response to the question, "Do you support ISIS?"
He'd say something like, "Now that the Caliphate is established, all pious Muslims are obligated to support it."
But he wouldn't say he supported it -- he left out the part about whether or not he was a pious Muslim or not. Obviously, one sensed he believed he was, but he didn't quite say that.
Well, the dirty pig-f*cking terrorist scumbag slipped up and went too far.
It can now also be revealed that Choudary was encouraged to support Isis by a notorious British Isis fighter who fled to Syria while on police bail.
The court heard that shortly after Isis was proscribed as a terror group Choudary was in contact with an individual named as Subject A. It can now be revealed Subject A was Siddartha Dhar – known on social media as Abu Rumaysah – who was arrested alongside Choudary before he fled to Syria to fight with Isis while on police bail.
Dhar encouraged Choudary to express support for Isis on social media. Following on from Dhar’s encouragement, both defendants made their position on the newly declared caliphate clear in the “oath of allegiance”.
Prosecutor Richard Whittam QC said: “The prosecution case is that whichever name is used, the evidence is quite clear: when these defendants were inviting support for an Islamic state or caliphate they were referring to the one declared in Syria and its environs by Ibrahim [Abu Bakr] al-Baghdadi at the end of June 2014.
Some may have, understandably, mixed feelings about a conviction based on a straight-up speechcrime.
Well, I'm not worried about it. Maybe I'll be worried about it later, but this guy is Enemy Soldier. Tokyo Rose was a combatant; her weapon was propaganda. Likewise this scumbag.