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August 07, 2016
Oh, Sweet Baby Jesus, Thank You. It's Football Season Again!! - Niedermeyer's Dead Horse
Something woke me from a sound sleep this morning. It was a peculiar albeit familiar sound off in the distance. It took me a while to place it but, before long, it hit me:
It was the collective exhale of football fans across the nation.
Goodell may suck. Pink Week may suck. Some of the teams and players may suck.
Football, however, definitely does. not. suck.
For many of us, the love of the game started while we were young, with boys playing Pop Warner, and pig-tailed girls like me cheering them on from the sidelines.
The camaraderie never faltered even as we competed to win the biggest trophies. And, win them we did. Participants received little team member trophies, but nobody received a trophy for failing to win. Nobody was placated.
You lose, you take the ragging, then you go to the post-game bonfire and roast marshmallows with your competitors.
Losing gracefully: It, too, is part of the game.
Hostile parents? Don't even think about it. Parents policed themselves and anyone else who might have the wrong idea about what the "sport" was all about.
As well, any kids who got out of hand, there was always a parent nearby to set things straight and, frequently, that parent wan't your own. They would never lift a finger, but a raise of a brow or a wagging, tsk-tsk-tsk, of the finger said all they needed to say.
1. You aren't making us proud right at this moment and
2. Next step is a call to your mom
Of course, all wasn't perfect. I was a girly-tomboy and wanted to play football rather than cheer, but I wasn't allowed, and my mom terrified me when she threatened to sue to get me on the team. I am so glad she came to her senses and moved on from those threats.
Pep rallies and bonfires, little white Oxford shoes or red Keds sneakers, crisp red and white uniforms.... oh what a time we had.
Now, I watch the games and I think of how those players were once little boys, dashing to and fro on a field that seemed gargantuan. Pouring their little hearts into being a member of the team and dreaming in the off-season of being a star player come next season. They dreamed big, and though only a fraction of them ever get a shot at the big leagues, the team spirit never dies.
Boy, oh boy, do I love football. And now it's back for another season. Despite the best efforts of many to put an end to the violent, heathen game, it still exists for a season. I suspect it will be around for many more to come.
Still, we must enjoy it while we can. Who knows what the future will bring.
Tonight, at 8pm EST the Green Bay Packers will play the Indianapolis Colts in the Hall of Fame game and I will bitch and moan all night about why-oh-why did I cut my cable package back to the $130 package from the $200 package which includes ESPN.
So, those of you who can watch, enjoy it. I'll catch ya next week.
Now, for what really draws you to the HQ, the elbows.
And since Green Bay doesn't have a squad, how 'bout a shot of Rodgers' main squeeze?
That's it for now.
Enjoy the game, folks.
UPDATE: Dammit!
I guess now it's an open and bitch-and-moan about Goodell thread.

posted by Open Blogger at
07:44 PM
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