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July 24, 2016
What Makes You Happy? [Y-not]
The news cycle has been unrelenting this year. I know it's taken its toll on me and those around me. I need a break, so this thread will be politics- and news-free.
Several months ago, I attended a funeral for someone I had never met. She was a long-time and much-beloved employee at my husband's new workplace. I knew very few people at the funeral (really more of a memorial service) and virtually none of the people or places or events in the stories that they shared about her.
It was one of the most moving services I've ever attended. The siblings and coworkers of the woman being honored were very eloquent, managing to express their love and admiration of this woman through their grief. (This greatly impressed me because when I attended my own mother's funeral, I could not even manage to muddle through a scripture reading without breaking down.)
I don't recall many specifics about what her loved ones said, except for one thing: in this woman's last months of life, after battling cancer for several years, she experienced a period of relative health. During that time she made sure she spoke frequently with her family, especially her sons, as well as with clergy, lawyers, and financial planners (one of her sons is disabled so much planning was needed). And she did one more thing: she threw herself into pursuing an exercise regime that featured pilates.
And it gave her joy.
This was a woman of considerable intellect and emotional depth who invested much of her final time on Earth in something purely physical. And she did it not because she wanted to look better in a bathing suit next summer, but because it made her happy.
What makes you happy?
Below are a few links related to this topic that might help get the discussion going:
The Neurochemicals of Happiness
Better living through chemistry. (If chemjeff is lurking, you should comment here, my friend.)
Why Does Exercise Make Us Feel Good?
I would love to be fit enough for this to be true.
5 foods that may make you feel happier now
Steak. Dark chocolate. Arak.
6 Types of Images That Elicit an Emotional Response
This may explain some of the reactions to CBD's morning art thread pictures.
Who has the happiest Audience on Twitter?
Recommend "happy" accounts to follow on social media (or in more traditional media) here.
Here's one I like:
I've put an open thread below this one for politics, news, and misery.

posted by Open Blogger at
02:01 PM
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