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July 10, 2016
I Have A Dream [OregonMuse]

According to Rush, pretty much the only way to restore law and order is if Trump gets elected:
And I'll tell you this. When Obama is gone, when he's no longer in the White House, and particularly if the Republicans win the White House, if it's Trump, you watch how quickly our laws once again revert to their former status and importance. The media and the Democrats will easily hold Donald Trump accountable to the law for his agenda and do everything they can to stop it, everything they can to railroad it, everything they can to torpedo it.
I'm old enough to remember the Democrats' attempt to derail the nomination of Clarence Thomas to the Supreme Court. In order to accomplish this, the far left set forth the feminist theory in regards to what exactly constituted sexual harassment and how to deal with it. As a moral structure, it was as absolute, as rigid, and as unforgiving as any set of religious commandments. The standard that came out from the hearings is this: not even the barest hint of a whisper of a gossamer thread of ANYTHING that could even be remotely construed as sexual harassment was permitted, and the existence of which was immediate grounds for the severest possible consequences, and there was no basis for appeal. In fact, even the mere accusation of sexual harassment was enough to warrant a conviction. This is what the feminists and the other progressive left victim groups insisted upon, and the forcible imposition of this standard (plus, a lot of out-and-out lying) very nearly destroyed Clarence Thomas' nomination.
Fast forward half a decade, and Bill Clinton is now in the White House horndogging it all over the place. All of a sudden, without warning, we're operating under an entirely different set of rules. Gone is the zero tolerance, the grim absolutism, and the totalitarian enforcement. It's all "nuts and sluts" and "it's just about sex" and "well, he gets one free pass" (Gloria Steinem actually said this) and I felt like we were living in some sort of topsy-turvy bizarro world where up is down, black is white, and the sky is green. The feminists sudden reversal on matters of sexual misconduct was so dizzyingly transcendent that no talk of hypocrisy or double-standards can adequately express or describe it; their full-throated defense of Bill Clinton remains to this day such a huge monument to mendacity and duplicity that it, like the Great Wall of China, can be seen from orbit.
This is what I felt like after FBI Chief James Comey's testimony earlier this week. He just laid down a new rule, the rule of intent, it's only intent that matters. Despite what he tried to say to the contrary, I don't think we've seen this rule before in law or in practice. If I am notified by the IRS that I owe $25,000 in back taxes and penalties, do you think I can get off by telling them that it's OK because I didn't intend to not pay?
Of course not. And as soon as Trump is elected, all this talk of "intent" being the sole determiner of criminality is going to get swept right under the rug.
So please let's elect Trump. The rules will be applied unfairly, but at least we'll have them.
(H/T Jim in Galveston for the disappointingly fantasy Hillary! pic)
Open Thread

posted by Open Blogger at
08:55 PM
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