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June 27, 2016
President of the EU Parliament Slams Britain For "Violating the Rules:" "It Is Not The EU Philosophy That The Crowd Can Decide Its Fate"
Democracy can't be left in the hands of the filthy commoners.
Zero Hedge also excerpts this good Matt Taibi column about "the elites" (sneer quotes definitely sneering) who are constantly seeking little exceptions to the democratic practice in certain circumstances-- those circumstances being every single time they don't get their own way.
David French wonders if the filthy commoners aren't getting to the point of offering the (sneer quotes) "elites" the exact same level of loyalty the "elites" offer they themselves.
Is it any wonder that citizens of one of the greatest and strongest nations in human history would recoil from an international order that was proving mainly that it could enrich an elite without seeming to lift a finger to preserve the nation’s core values and traditions -- the very things that had made it great and strong? Is it any wonder that citizens of other great countries are -- wondering what loyalty they owe to that same elite?