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June 25, 2016
George Will Leaves The Republican Party: Who Gives A Rat's Ass? [CBD]
George Will Leaves the Republican Party over Trump
And here is our country's best-known conservative pundit's genius advice:
Asked...to recommend what conservative anti-Trumpers should do now, Will said: "Make sure he loses."
Now, I am not the scholar of American History that George Will is, but a rational and informed reading of that advice could be changed to: "Make sure Hillary Clinton becomes president."
If Trump loses at the convention, in spite of having the required number of delegates for a first ballot nomination, then Republicans all across America will smell a rat. Yes, it can be done, but it will be extremely difficult without fracturing the coalition that is required to elect a Republican in November.
Let us be honest about good ole' Georgie of the blue-jeans hate and the pompous bow ties....he wants Hillary to win because it will solidify his position as one of the trusted retainers in the court of the almighty Dollar, and he doesn't care who sits on the throne. Hillary isn't ideal, but Georgie will still make his money and be fêted by the media and those in real power. Only if Trump wins will Will's position be threatened, and we simply cannot function as a free country if George Will is not on TV 15 times each week!
But there's more!
But what about that last-gasp reason, resonant among many of the legal thinkers at the libertarian/conservative Federalist Society, for backing even a revolting Republican -- the Supreme Court? Will's answer was revealing: "Sure, but I'm also concerned with the fact that I do not really believe Republicans think clearly enough about what they really want in judges...having a Republican president is not an answer in itself."
Oh, you stupid flyover people. Just climb back into your pickup trucks and throw the old dog in the back and go hunting. The mandarins in Washington will take care of you, because you are too stupid to know what is best for America.

posted by Open Blogger at
06:15 PM
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