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May 25, 2016
400 Puffed-Up, Egotistical Blow-Hard Writers Think They Have Influence [CBD]
More Than 400 Writers Sign Petition Protesting Donald Trump
A group of more than 400 writers, including big names such as Stephen King, David Eggers, Amy Tan, Junot Diaz and Cheryl Strayed, released an online petition on Tuesday to express their opposition to Mr. Trump’s candidacy on the grounds that he is appealing to the darkest elements in American society.
I have read a few of the writers who have signed this petition, and I am not particularly impressed, although Stephen King's early stuff is excellent. But the quality of their writing is secondary to the fact that their rejection of Donald Trump will, if anything, endear Trump to his base. How many Americans really give a rat's ass what a few big writers and hundreds of anonymous hacks think about a candidate for president?
Hell, I am no Trump fan, but anyone who Amy Tan and Stephen King don't like is going to get an appreciative look from me. And David Eggers is just an asshole.
But what is really marvelous is that their criticism of Trump can be applied essentially word for word to Barack Obama. Just take a look at it (below the fold). I defy anyone to find a single criticism in their blather that we have not pilloried Obama for.
Because, as writers, we are particularly aware of the many ways that language can be abused in the name of power;
Because we believe that any democracy worthy of the name rests on pluralism, welcomes principled disagreement, and achieves consensus through reasoned debate;
Because American history, despite periods of nativism and bigotry, has from the first been a grand experiment in bringing people of different backgrounds together, not pitting them against one another;
Because the history of dictatorship is the history of manipulation and division, demagoguery and lies;
Because the search for justice is predicated on a respect for the truth;
Because we believe that knowledge, experience, flexibility, and historical awareness are indispensable in a leader;
Because neither wealth nor celebrity qualifies anyone to speak for the United States, to lead its military, to maintain its alliances, or to represent its people;
Because the rise of a political candidate who deliberately appeals to the basest and most violent elements in society, who encourages aggression among his followers, shouts down opponents, intimidates dissenters, and denigrates women and minorities, demands, from each of us, an immediate and forceful response;
For all these reasons, we, the undersigned, as a matter of conscience, oppose, unequivocally, the candidacy of Donald J. Trump for the Presidency of the United States.

posted by Open Blogger at
02:00 PM
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