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May 21, 2016
So I Got a Bike
Yeah I got a bike. A cheap one. Just for getting around and exercising. I was getting a little sick of walking for exercise.
I haven't had a bike literally since I lost my virginity. So like 3-4 years.
I'd recommend it. You can get a cheap one for $200-400. Just kind of useful to have.
It's kind of kicking my ass. I thought riding a bike would be easy. It is easy -- downhill. Uphill it's a damn bastard.
It also hurts your ass. Then again I went for a cheap bike that didn't have a seat. I just put a condom over the seat-post. Sad!
Anyway, just one of the things I'm doing to try to do those "Lifestyle Changes" my doctor is always on me about.
It is pretty fun though. It's just kind of neat to have around. Any time I want to go for a bike ride, boom. There's a bike right there. Like magic.
The next thing I have to get are panniers:

They're not dorky -- they're European.
Seriously I think I saw someone in Europe with those when I was a kid. Not actually in Europe, like in a movie. Maybe A Bridge Too Far. I've always kind of wanted them, but I thought they were dorky when I was younger. Now I'm older and increasingly giving fewer fux about everything, so, panniers it is.
I also got a compass. Gotta figure out how to use it on trails and such. I mean, not like deep in trails. I just have to acquire some kind of basic directional sense (which I have none of at all; take me out of a simple city grid system, and I'm lost).