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May 06, 2016
FRIDAY Mid-Morning Open Thread [Y-not]
Illustration by Gustave Dore
Some of my favorite works of art were inspired by the story of Don Quixote. The character's absurdity seems to provoke many artists to produce a figure that is both grotesque and sympathetic.
A few examples below:
Picasso's interpretation
Honore Daumier's interpretation. (A bit more about the artist here.)
I find myself particularly drawn to sculptures inspired by Don Quixote. I may have posted this one before:
Cyrus Edwin Dallin,
Don Quixote de La Mancha: The Knight of the Windmill ( 1898 )
I love the setting of this one (that's a statue of Cervantes in the background):
Sculptures by Lorenzo Coullaut Valera. Another view of it here.
This statue of Don Quixote in Cuba is interesting:

Enlarged version here.
I didn't identify the location or artist of this last one, but I dig it:
Full size rendering here.
Finally, if you have a couple of hours to spare, here's the Dutch National Ballet performing Don Quixote:
Open thread.

posted by Open Blogger at
10:16 AM
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