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May 02, 2016
"We Are Ungovernable." [krakatoa]
I look at the annual May Day festivities hostilities in places like Seattle, and think "If you are a private citizen (much less a cop) and someone throws a brick at you, or swings a club at you, or hurls a molotov cocktail at you, you are within your rights to respond with deadly force." I don't understand the restraint. Well, to be more accurate: I wouldn't understand the restraint in me were I the target. I understand why Leftist institutions continue to coddle and excuse "anarchists", "immigrants", and union thugs: It is still in their interest to legitimize any grievance from the Left.
Things in this country are spiralling quickly to the very anarchy these mobs are agitating for. The systematic "Progressive" undermining of the social structures that provided the foundation of our country's incredible rise is almost complete, to the point where we have to endure "serious discussions" about whether or not people should have to use their biologically appropriate public facilities. Meanwhile, very real and very obvious lawbreaking is ignored or, if ignoring it is impossible at the moment, it is ennobled by the "intellectual" class, so long as those acts are committed by the "right" people, in service of the "right" causes. The narrative must be maintained.
There doesn't seem to be a cause that the Left cannot take to the most irrational and contentious conclusion, and every cause now requires the submission of the people, of ALL the people, in deed and most disturbingly, in mind. Dissenting thought is punished with social stigmatizing and with campaigns to remove private citizens' livelihoods, and the drive is fully under way to codify the Left's terroristic swatting tactics and to legitimately punish with the full force of the state anyone who is guilty of stating a belief that was altogether unremarkable less than a decade earlier.
The Left is on a blood drive, quite literally, and the donor is every single productive member of society, whether they realize it yet or not.
Ilya Somin suggests an international movement to enshrine May 1st as "Victims of Communism Day". I cannot imagine any major Western nation actually embracing such a thing.
The cultural rot is too deep for such a thing. The far Left is ungovernable. The so-called moderate Left is morally adrift in a post-modern dive to the bottom. The new moderate Right is one poll away at any time from a pivot on the principles they were elected on. And every principled Conservative is by common decree a bigoted throwback to barbaric times.
We seem doomed to repeat history, and I sincerely hope we can find some way avoid it. If not, I suspect everyone will get a very existential lesson in real intolerance, and its constituent real barbarism.

posted by Open Blogger at
05:40 PM
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