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April 24, 2016
Return of the Travel Thread: North Carolina and Mississippi Edition [Y-not]
The New York Times breathlessly reported that people are canceling their North Carolina and Mississippi vacation plans:
While the celebrity response is drawing considerable attention, the travel industry in each state is more concerned about lower-profile visitors: the everyday tourists who have already begun canceling trips or planning vacations elsewhere.
Both states have been hit by hotel cancellations from tourists who spend a combined tens of billions of dollars annually, and though the effect is difficult to quantify so early on, local hotels, tourist boards, industry associations and government officials fear that a boycott will continue to dampen business. Making matters tougher for the businesses, the Foreign Office in Britain has issued an advisory for L.G.B.T. travelers going to the two states based on the laws.
Naturally, that makes me want to book a summer vacation there, so here's a thread for you to recommend places to visit in North Carolina and Mississippi. I like small, artsy towns with plenty of opportunities for enjoying nature. Access to good food is also a must. I'm leaning coastal locations, but I'm open to any suggestions.
So far on Twitter I've had these North Carolina places recommended to me: Wrightsville Beach, Asheville, Atlantic Beach, Outer Banks, Bogue Banks, and Kitty Hawk.
Open thread for moron vacation planning. (You don't have to restrict yourself to NC or MS.)

posted by Open Blogger at
02:45 PM
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