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April 07, 2016
Awesome: People Aren't Sharing As Much as Their Personal Lives on FaceBook; Company Seeks Ways to Inspire People to Share More of Their Intimate Details With Corporate Advertising Profiling Search-Bots
Are the fever years of relentless sharing shit that no one wants to know about except adbots finally coming to an end?
Facebook Wants You to Post More About Yourself
by Sarah Frier
Facebook Inc. is working to combat a decline in people sharing original, personal content, the fuel that helps power the money machine at the heart of its social network, according to people familiar with the matter.
Overall sharing has remained "strong," according to Facebook. However, people have been less willing to post updates about their lives as their lists of friends grow, the people said.
Instead, Facebook’s 1.6 billion users are posting more news and information from other websites. As Facebook ages, users may have more than a decade’s worth of acquaintances added as friends. People may not always feel comfortable checking into a local bar or sharing an anecdote from their lives, knowing these updates may not be relevant to all their connections.
According to one of the people familiar with the situation, Facebook employees working on the problem have a term for this decline in intimacy: "context collapse."
Chief Executive Officer Mark Zuckerberg has spoken at Facebook staff meetings this year about the need to inspire personal sharing.
Facebook isn't intimacy and nor is it even friendship.
I've been saying this for a while: Intimacy is not a spectator sport.
Intimacy (and I mean non-sexual intimacy, real moments) happens when you're just with one or two or three people.
The idea that one is being "intimate" and "feeling" with your gang of 2,000 alleged friends is corporate nonsense they're always trying to gin up to sell their product.