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April 04, 2016
Special Snowflakes, UK Edition: Student Hit With Complaint for "Showing Signs of Disagreement" During Another Student's Anti-Israel Rantings
The shows of disagreement? The Perpetrator and Subversive was seen raising her hand, as if ready to disagree if called upon, while a Special Snowflake spoke about the BDS anti-Israel movement.
The spaces must be purged of the #Unsafe.
Ms Wilson, 22, was subject to a "safe space complaint" over her supposedly "inappropriate hand gestures" during a student council meeting.
According to the association’s rules, student council meetings should be held in a "safe space environment", defined as "a space which is welcoming and safe and includes the prohibition of discriminatory language and actions".
This includes "refraining from hand gestures which denote disagreement", or "in any other way indicating disagreement with a point or points being made".
Ms Wilson said she raised her arms in disagreement after being accused by another speaker of failing to respond to an open letter, despite in fact having made efforts to contact the letter’s authors.
A complaint was made against Ms Wilson, who was then subjected to a vote on whether she should be removed from the room.
"Later on in the meeting, someone threatened me with a second complaint because I was shaking my head -- but when I was addressing the room about my worries about Jewish students, there were plenty of people shaking their heads and nothing happened."
Downtwinkles, UK Students. Very, very downtwinkles.